Ethical and Legal Conditions

Submission of an article for publication in Context implies that:

  1. All authors are in agreement about the manuscript’s content and its submission to the journal.
  2. The manuscript’s content has been tacitly or explicitly approved by the responsible authorities where the research was carried out.
  3. The manuscript has not been published previously, in part or in whole, in English or any other language, except as an abstract or part of a published lecture or academic thesis.
  4. The manuscript has not been, and will not be, submitted to any other journal while under consideration by Context.
  5. If accepted, the author agrees to transfer copyright for the manuscript to the Center for Advanced Studies, with the understanding that it will not be submitted for publication elsewhere in any form, in English or any other language, without prior written consent from the Center.
  6. If the submission includes figures, tables, or large sections of text that have been published previously, the author must obtain written permission from the original copyright owner(s) to reproduce these items for both the online and print publications of the journal. All copyrighted material must be properly credited in the manuscript.